Taste from over 350 beers at the Biggest Slovak Beer Fest

Beer community, huge variety and fun. We connect these 3 ingredients together with you resulting to the biggest craft beer fest – Beer Saloon (original – Salón Piva). Bratislava’s Old Market (original – Stará Tržnica) will change into the biggest tasting event of its kind in Slovakia. September edition will bring many beer news to visitors. More than 50 craft breweries from Slovakia and abroad will all together make a choice of nearly 350 various craft beers.

BUY TICKETS (from 5 eur – beer glass included)

New beers and the attendance at Beer Fest was confirmed among the others by these breweries: Hellstork, Unorthodox Craft Brewery, Raven, Wywar, Zichovec, Beervana, Hopgrup, ŽiWELL, Sandorf, Baťák, TO OL, MIkkeller, Omnipolo, Damian Gypsy Brewery, The Garden Brewery, General, MadCat eg.

What you can look for?

Branded tasting Glass

Visitors will have an option to choose from 2 types of tasting glass and then just explore tastes. The glass is included in ticket price and is made for 0,1dcl and 0,2dcl tasting.

Brand new beers

Each brewery will come to the beer fest along with at least 1 novelty. The beer which was never offered elsewhere and many of those are absolute limited version which you can never taste after.

CRAZY IPA Saloon Beer – new beer special

Jimi and Indo (organizors) have brewed again great new beer with Happy Brand, in General Brewery in Bratislava, named Crazy IPA. You will have the chance to taste it before the event in specialized beer pubs. It’s very hoppy and fruity IPA.

Breweries presenting at festival for the first time

Craft Brewery Galgan from Galanta, Beer Division, Breisburg or Hvezdoň – presenting themselves for the 1st time. Moreover, foreign breweries like Krikloun, Stern or Brewski from Sweden. Within the “Živé Pivo” kiosk will be introduced 5 breweries – Voodoo, Vŕšky, Rye Island, Martins and Panský pivovar Bojnice.

The other program of event

The other accompanying program will be held during every day of festival. Live music and beer discussions for everybody who is interested in slovak world of beer. The brewers and owners of breweries will come personally to talk to you, as well as distributors and other beer fanatics who are willing to share their experiences. The entrance to that program is for free.

Chillout zones

Chill out zones for regeneration and relax for visitors, games and fun.

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Beer Station Fest opäť v Tržnica Nivy!

  Pozývame vás na ďalšie pokračovanie festivalu remeselých pív – BEER STATION FEST.Zavíta k nám opäť viac ako desať pivovarov zo Slovenska, Čiech a Poľska. 


6. Narodeniny Beer Station

Ahojte kamoši 🙂 Pozývame vás na prvú tohtoročnú Beer Station Párty, ktorá sa ponesie v duchu našich 6 narodenín 🎂 a bude to poriadne veľká párty

Objavuj Živé Pivo na Slovensku

Na našom webe nájdeš sekciu "PODNIKY", kde je zoznam rôznych pivných podnikov s remeselným pivom. Vo vyhľadávači zadaj rôzny typ pivného zážitku - napr. jedlo v regióne "Burger Orava" a ponúkne ti všetky podniky na Orave, kde si môžeš dať výborný burger a poctivé remeselné pivo. Vyskúšaj si to a naplánuj si pivné výlety po Slovensku

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